As I watched yet another episode of Runway Moms on Discovery today, I was touched by something said during the show. A mom on the show talked about how in love she was with her husband the day her first child was born and then again with her second. Her comments brought me to tears and they were not tears of sadness but tears of overwhelming joy. All my life all I ever wanted was to be married and have children and be a mom. And here I am with all of those things... I have a husband who I am so deeply in love with, sometimes it overwhelms me. You see, I married my Mr. Perfect. My husband is generous, thoughtful, compassionate and an amazing father. He puts up with my quirky ways and obsessiveness about the littlest things... he laughs at me when any normal person would flat out be mad at me. On top of loving me, he loves his daughters so much and that makes me love him even more. I don't know how women can go thru the birth experience and not wonder, why this man would put up with all this? It starts with 9 months of moodiness, cravings, complaining and the need to call all over the country for the perfect little rain boots to go with the perfect little jacket (she never wore the boots by the way but I got 'em!) Then comes the labor experience and then the recovery experience... when I had Anna I needed Adam to help me heal. I needed help in the shower, getting dressed, going to the bathroom - all things that normally I would keep private. I was completely in need of my husband and you know what, he stepped right in and helped and made me feel like I was still beautiful despite the weird underwear and pads the size of Rhode Island - a far cry from the undergarments of earlier years...
Here i am today, a good 40 pounds heavier that I ever thought I would be and you know what, my husband still tells me I am beautiful and still kisses me when he gets home from work... he takes care of me in ways I never thought anyone could and he helps me to relax and enjoy life and not rush through it... I hope that our daughters grow up seeing his shining example and strive to be just like their daddy. I love you Adam.

Daddy and his first little girl