A whole lot of nothing...
I don't really have much to say other than that I have to go back to work soon and I am looking forward to it and dreading it all at the same time. I long for some structure and routine but I know that is also going to mean even less sleep than the usual 6 hours I get now... and folks I like my sleep. I used to get about 9-10 hours a night and now, well let's just say Emma isn't sleeping thru the night yet and Anna was at 3 weeks... but I can't really complain because Emma is totally cool with being in her car seat and riding in the car and Anna, yikes - i wouldn't even get out of the driveway before she would be screaming bloody murder! So I guess it is a bit of a trade... Emma is better in the car and Anna was better at sleeping at night... not sure which is better.
As for the rest of our happenings, man alive I hate that I can't get out the door til at least 10:30 most days... I had completely forgotten how much goes into being prepared and I love to be prepared but my goodness, I have got to get a groove going or I am never going to get to work on time.
Here are some pics of us... Anna in the cowgirl boots is a fave of mine. Somewhere in a dusty photo album is a pic of me about the same age wearing a diaper and boots... like mother like daughter... and the one of Emma I call funny face... isn't she pretty?

As for the rest of our happenings, man alive I hate that I can't get out the door til at least 10:30 most days... I had completely forgotten how much goes into being prepared and I love to be prepared but my goodness, I have got to get a groove going or I am never going to get to work on time.
Here are some pics of us... Anna in the cowgirl boots is a fave of mine. Somewhere in a dusty photo album is a pic of me about the same age wearing a diaper and boots... like mother like daughter... and the one of Emma I call funny face... isn't she pretty?

Hey I missed you this weekend! I can't believe how big your girls are getting. I am sending you a package tomorrow. =) Hope you like it! How are you coping with Jan gone? She didnt' even take pictures to church of the girls. =( I miss you!
Diddo on the whole getting out of the house thing. I always set these goals in my head the target is the getting in the car time...it always seems to be 45 minutes later then I planned. I love love love the pictures. What beautiful little girls! And you are looking fabulous!!!
Hey...it is so nice to keep in touch this way! Your girls are so precious! I agree about the whole getting out the door thing...I am starting to just accept that wherever I go, no matter how hard I try, I will forever be late! :) I had forgotten all the work it takes with a little one! And now 2! Isn't it wonderful?
If you figure out something that works, let us all know!
Love ya!
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