Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Yep... that's right folks... My vision is back to 20/25. Not perfect yet, but pretty darn close in just two weeks... I imagine the nerve will be healed now in less than a week. I still have to meet with the neurologist and learn about my risk of MS now having had an episode of Optic Neuritis, but overall I am optimistic.

Just thought I would share the glorious news...

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I would imagine that many of you have seen it but Adam and I hadn't until today and what a wonderful film... I will never look at salt and pepper shakers the same way again. Both Adam and I really enjoyed watching a movie with a strong moral base and a fundamental message that made sense. No wonder this movie has become a phenomenon. It should be. It gives me hope that we are not a shrinking population of Christians, but a force to take pure and honest to the next level.

The movie taught me so much that I didn't realize I needed to learn. Marriage is not 50/50... It never has been... It is 100%. Whether the other partner returns 100% isn't the purpose... A concept that I think is foreign to many. I don't go around adding up what I do, what he does... but sometimes I feel like I do a lot with the kids and all that... but you know what, shame on me. Does Jesus ever sit back and say, "I sure have done a lot for Jaime, what has she done for me?"

I am guessing God isn't keeping a tally and for that, boy am I grateful. I would have very few marks on my side of the scoreboard.

Comparing marriage to a competition of selfishness implies that there has to be a loser. I don't even think we realize it but we set ourselves up for that winner/loser relationship when we start keeping score.

I promise to never compete with you Adam. I love you.

Monday, April 13, 2009


The MRI came back clear... no signs of a brain tumor or lesions on the central nervous system. I do not have MS as they suspected. We are rejoicing. I do have optic neuritis and it will heal on its own in about 12 weeks... I have a second opinion scheduled in a few weeks with a neurologist but overall, I am relieved. Thanks for your prayers of comfort. I am so grateful.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


False Evidence Appearing Real...

FEAR took over my thoughts a little more than 24 hrs ago when doctors told me something was wrong... My vision in my right eye has been absent since Tuesday afternoon with no signs of returning anytime soon...

There is more to my possible diagnosis that I am not ready to share until I hear a confirmation from the doctors. My MRI is tomorrow morning at 10:15... Easter Sunday. A day known for HOPE by Christians world-wide. I HOPE that these past 24 hours have been a tragic nightmare but my realistic mindset lends me to believe that this nightmare is in fact, the truth.

I can tell you that despite the shocking news of all of this, I feel tremendous love from those near and far, even those I don't know well at all. For this I am so grateful.

Whatever the outcome of tomorrow's testing, I do believe that I have much to be thankful for and so much still to look forward too...

In my short 28 years, I have graduated from high school, then college, found true love, bought a home, made two beautiful daughters and hold a career that brings me joy... This diagnosis, albeit shocking, is a mere ripple in the great ocean of my life and the many blessings I received...

I can't complain. I just look at the gifts and I am silent... grateful, honored and blessed to be here to experience many joys and sorrows of which, made me stronger. This is no different. I will be stronger for this experience, this new way of life.