Sunday, July 11, 2010

Emma's birthday

Well I feel old. I now have a three year old and a five year old... boy where does the time go? I know that phrase is so cliche but I can't think of anything more appropriate to describe the last five years of child rearing... It goes by so fast. So fast.

Anna starts kindergarten in the fall, Emma is potty trained and dresses herself... the days of total dependence are slipping away. You would think I would be thankful for this new found sense of freedom but there is something about your children growing up that makes you sad about losing the need for total dependence that I clung to the last five years. Don't worry, I'll adjust to my new freedom and allowing myself a few extra minutes of sleep in the morning because the kids can pour their own cereal or letting them play in the yard while I polish my nails and relish in the quiet moments... I'll survive :-)

This weekend, as I said marked the change from having a toddler to a preschooler. Emma turned the big 3... She is my needy child although she is starting to exhibit her own sense of Independence and total stubbornness (I don't know where she gets it)... Here is a recap of her birthday celebration at the Mall of America, complete with a trip to the American Girl store where we pampered our dolls and then ourselves at the restaurant in the store. The day was complete with a mid-day nap for the entire family and an evening back at the mall for more rides and fun times!