Well after much anticipation in the month of March, our family boarded a plane to sunny Phoenix to spend a week with family. It was a great vacation! Adam and I spent two days in Las Vegas - don't worry I kept him away from the tables, as we are still broke from the last time he thought he was smarter than the dealer. We did, however, spend some time with my new nephew Dominic. Seriously folks when you see these photos, you might wonder about his hair... well let the truth be told - IT IS REAL. It seems the babies that come out of our family are blessed with hair at birth but boy oh boy Dominic outdid us all - He has not only hair, but THICK THICK hair. Not to mention his beautiful blue eyes, first grandchild with blue eyes too so that's neat.
After time in Vegas, we pretty much relaxed the rest of the time in Phoenix. We relaxed, my dad however, didn't get to do it quite as well. You see, for those that don't know, my dad signed up for the MS150 bike race in Florence, AZ. The race is a primary fundraiser for the MS Society and ironically the race itself is born out of Minnesota many years ago before being adopted as a nation-wide event. We timed our trip to Phoenix so that I could be a part of my dad's experience. I am selfish in saying this but he was biking for me... I even have that in print actually since we were both interviewed by the local paper after the race - Click to read the article -
MS 150 News StoryThe bike race was very different from the marathons I have seen my dad in because there are virtually no spectators along the route. My dad said the volunteer support was great but no marching bands and no cheerleaders to cheer you on. I think it would be hard to stay motivated as you bike across the desert in search of the 100 mile finish line. But not for my dad, he's so determined and so driven to finish what he started. He always has been and he worked hard to instill that same drive in each of his children. I think my brothers got the majority but I work hard at the things that I like for the most part anyway.
Overall the vacation was just the stress reliever we needed. There are more tests ahead for me with the doctors and I have a four hour date with a needle and an MRI machine on March 18. This is one date I wish I could get out of. The results of the test will help determine where I am at with my MS. It will hopefully show no new activity and little to no progression of my disease. Add me to your prayer list please.
Well here's the highlights of the trip to see the family in the sunshine!
It's been awhile since I held a sleeping baby!

I am convinced he smiles only for ME!

The starting line

Mile 99.9

Post Race! Check out that metal - the circle around it is made of a bike chain! Now that's creative!

Papa training the girls on the art of running...
Yes she is running in her night gown!

We love our matching suits Grandma! Thank you!

Grandma and her girls... well I guess I am not in the photo, so it isn't all the girls.