Do you ever feel like you need a vacation from your vacation? I love to go places but traveling with kids through airports is just no fun. However, it is worth it once you get there, at least for me. As you may already know, my dad and I did in fact, complete the Walt Disney World Marathon. My intended goal was 6 hours but at mile 15, my adrenaline quit on me and I hit my wall. I cried off and on the remaining 11.2 miles... but I finished. It took 6:56:26. In order to not be pulled off the course, you had to finish in 7:00:00. Talk about cutting it close. Now that I have done that race, I know I can do lots of other kinds of races... I am going to do a 5 mile race in April and at the end of May, I am going to do the Stillwater 1/2 marathon. It is only 13.1 miles and I am determined to finish in 3 hours... I swore before the marathon that this was it, no more running for me but it is actually quite helpful with my weight loss goals. I am down 30 pounds now since last August and really that's quite an accomplishment for me. Running has only helped me in my journey. Our family joined a gym that offers daycare and it might be the smartest thing we have ever done as a family. Not only are we setting a good example for our children but mommy and daddy get date night at the gym four times a week! It is great to just work out together and not talk about work or kids or anything else... just focus on how many reps we can do and what weight we are going to try to lift and how fast can we run a mile or how many calories can I burn in an hour? Crazy talk really! But we are enjoying it.
Here are some photos of our trip to the Magic Kingdom and of course, me crying as I cross, I mean crawl, across the finish line with my dad.

Here are some photos of our trip to the Magic Kingdom and of course, me crying as I cross, I mean crawl, across the finish line with my dad.