Sunday, October 26, 2008

Well hello there...

I just signed in to realize I haven't blogged since AUGUST! YIKES! Well we have been busy so I will let the pictures tell the story... A few non-picture updates - I started consulting with Lia Sophia which I absolutely LOVE! I have had 3 parties and have 4 more set up for November... This is definitely a lot of fun for me and it is just that, for me. The long term goal is to save for a trip to Disney for the entire family in January of 2011 when I have agreed to run the Walt Disney World Marathon... I figure I won't start panicking til 2009 though. The weight loss battle is not doing so well... I gained back 10 of the 25 pounds I lost with WW... I want to recommit myself to the program but am realizing I am not there just yet... I am trying to add some exercise to my life and that is helping with my energy level. Work is going well - we are in the midst of a reorganization at work so the next two weeks should be really exciting as we learn our new roles etc. within the organization. I did get the great privilege of helping a patient last week when I was on call for night time emergencies. The patient couldn't remember who was picking them up for treatment and I was able to help track down the driver and connect all the dots for the patient. It was a very rewarding experience and reminded me why I work for the cause I do.

Ok enough chit-chatting - I hope everyone is doing well...

Emma and Grandma and Grandpa on the dock at the Lake:

Anna ready for ballet class - Point and Flex everyone!

Apple picking just two weeks ago!

My sweet little farmer girl

Anna with her pony at the Shriners Circus last week!

Anna gets the courage to ride the pony!

Clowning around at the Circus!

Halloween Preview!

Gotta love the Wig! Found it on Ebay!

What would Dorothy do without the Scarecrow?!