What is with this little munchkin? She has decided that for the last three weeks she doesn't think going to bed means staying asleep til morning... oh my. After having 4 months of her sleeping around 12 hours a night, this is a rude awakening for mommy and daddy! Thankfully Anna hasn't woken up to it yet... perhaps that is my problem. I don't want her to wake Anna so I go to her quicker or perhaps it is the possibility that she is my last child and I tend to coddle her more that I did her older sister. Or perhaps she is just hungry although the doctor assures me that feeding her in the night is only going to start a bad habit (most nights I don't). I usually go in and flip her over, turn on her Fisher Price Aquarium and pat her back... if that doesn't work, I hold her for a bit and then just lay her back down... she screams a bit and then gives in although you should know she has been known to scream for 2 hours! I even did the cry it out one night for a solid hour and she did indeed CRY THE WHOLE HOUR... this was at 11:30 at night and by 12:30 I couldn't take it anymore so I gave her a bottle... Its not the ears, we had em checked... it could be the teeth but she already has two and she slept fine when they were poking through...
Some night she wakes at midnight, other nights 2a.m. and today she even slept til 5a.m. Once I gave her the bottle this morning back to sleep she went til after 8a.m.!!
Tell me it is a phase and a short one at that...