Ok quick recap... Adam and I went to the Florida Keys and had an amazing time! Getting away, just the two of us, was just what the doctor ordered! We had a beautiful hotel, amazing view and best of all, fabulous WARM weather...
Leaving the girls with Grandma Jan and Aunt Brenda was easy as pie... two grandmas and two girls... they did a great job and I was totally comfortable with being away from my precious gems!
Work update - none really... rumor has it, the position I applied for won't start til January so I guess its a good thing I am not in a hurry... I love my current job and my coworkers and boss so I am in no hurry to shift to a whole new ballgame...
Munchkin update... we are planning to have potty training boot camp in the next month... our daycare is closed for three weeks so between grandma jan, adam and me taking time at home, I am hoping Anna will be at least daytime trained by mid-November...
Weight loss is going ok... before our trip, I was down 7.8 pounds and only 7 pounds from pre-baby weight... then another 35 after that... I hope to be down 15-20 more by Christmas... I am dusting off the gym card now that we are back and things are returning to normal... going during lunch is awesome because I get my work out in and I get to enjoy the time to myself...We all need that from time to time...
So much for the quick recap... turned out to be a reader's digest version of an update...here's pics from our trips and of course, the two little blessings as well.
The View from our room~

Dinner at Islamorada Fish Company~

I am working on getting her to flash a genuine smile and not such a cheese...either way - how cute is she?!?

Look at her dark hair... I can't get over it!