Patience and Planning. Unfortunately these two action words don't exactly go hand in hand... Yesterday I had my 36 week check up HOPING that the little person growing inside me would be working her way down and getting anxious to come out. That was not the case. As I lay there, waiting for the discomfort to end, my doctor informed me that nothing was going on down and there and then he added, "it could be awhile." Of course I am sure you are all thinking, "she's only 36 weeks, why would she be so anxious to be done," but when you are chasing around a two-year old and working a full time job, you are ready to be done being pregnant. This is where the patience virtue comes in. I have never been one to be patient. I have always known it wasn't my strength and you would think that I would have learned that every time I am required to utilitize patience, it is probably God saying - "hey - RELAX..." But somehow I can't seem to RELAX and enjoy these last few weeks. The swelling ankles have set in, my husband would rather sleep on a hide-a-bed that have to endure my snoring and the acid reflux in my throat is more than I can bare. And then there is the planning side of things... I have my maternity leave all mapped out - only 7 weeks off and I am going to make the best of it. I am tying up all the loose ends at work, getting the new year's budget in order and making sure my laptop works at home so I can stay connected to the world.
I know, I know I should RELAX and take these last few weeks in stride but all I am asking for is a little progress in the cervix department... I just want to see my baby and open a new chapter in the book we call life.
Sorry for my rant. I am just struggling to stay positive when I can't even fit in a restaurant booth anymore. :-)