Wednesday, September 19, 2007


How do you bury your child? My brother's best friend died on Monday. He was 31. His name was Sean and he was a great person. He was so funny and had one of those smiles that you could never forget and I never will.

His mother found him. He apparently had a blood clot in his knee that apparently broke free and traveled to his lungs and killed him. A blood clot? A perfectly healthy, active guy cut down in his prime by a blood clot?

It is times like this when I don't understand God's plan...

Please pray for the Givens family and my brother as well. Emma and I are traveling to Chicago tomorrow for the services. Adam is already there on business this week.

I look at my two little girls and I just start to cry - I can't imagine what Sean's parents are experiencing... My grandparents buried my mother at 42 but she was stricken with cancer... Sean was in his prime of life.

The one positive in all of this is that Sean was a Christian and member of the Naperville church of Christ. He became a Christian about 5 or 6 years ago...His parents are wonderful, kind people who raised their son in a Christian home...

Please pray for us and all the mothers and fathers of the world who have to bury their children...I can't even fathom the emotion.


Blogger Tasha said...


It's never easy to hear that someone has died let alone a young person. I know you mentioned God's plan. I'm glad to hear that he was a Christian though. We should never be afraid of leaving this world has Christians. I believe your friend is happier where he is now. It's just the people left behind that find it so hard to let go. God calls us home when he feels we should come. We all must be prepared to go at anytime. It will be a wonderful day when we can be home with our Father.

As a mother it's hard. I would have a hard time if Parker left this world. I guess I would have to realize that he was in good hands though.

I'm so sorry for the pain that you feel and the family of your friends. I will keep you all in my prayers and ask God to give you some comfort. Death is never easy her on earth.

10:12 AM  

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