Not a whole lot to say but I'll try...
Well it has been awhile since I updated everyone on the happenings of our little family... the truth is there is not a whole lot to report. Adam spent the last week in California for business and the girls and I managed to stay afloat without daddy around... and here we go again... Adam leaves for business in Chicago on Tuesday and isn't back til Friday morning... I must admit without Adam around I am quite bored. I know that seems impossible right? With a two year old who is very much a terrible two and a two month old, how could I be bored? I don't know. Having Adam 2,000 miles away felt as if a part of me was missing and our little family was so incomplete without him.
Not much else to report other than that we are attempting to crack down on little miss Anna's naughtiness. Today she got her first REAL spanking from daddy - she cried and said it hurt but honestly within about two minutes she was back to her old self. I just don't know how to get through to her and Adam and I are clueless how to deal with it and frankly a lot of the time we end up arguing about what to do. Are there any good books on discipling toddlers?
Our other little daughter is at the princess stage right now... sleeps like a dream and she is totally predictable- Her day goes like this: 6-7a.m bottle, up for about 1-2 hours...naps til around 11-12noon, bottle #2, then big nap til about 4p.m. and then bottle #3 and up for a good 2-3 hours, then about a 45 min cat nap around 6p.m. and back up at 7 for bath and a little play time and then bottle at about 7:45p.m. and asleep by 8:30... I am in awe of her amazing schedule. She has days when she wavers from the above but for the most part it is pretty consistent. I guess we are doing something right!
Now for the finale - We bought Emma a BUMBO seat today and man I love that thing! I wish they had these when Anna was a babe - she would have loved it. I am debating purchasing a swing for Emma. I put her in one at church this morning and she loved it. It was one of those old ones that make that clicking noise... I am not too interesting in forking out the big bucks for one so I am going to hunt on craigslist for one first...
Alright well here is Emma in her Bumbo seat sporting a great little smile!
Not much else to report other than that we are attempting to crack down on little miss Anna's naughtiness. Today she got her first REAL spanking from daddy - she cried and said it hurt but honestly within about two minutes she was back to her old self. I just don't know how to get through to her and Adam and I are clueless how to deal with it and frankly a lot of the time we end up arguing about what to do. Are there any good books on discipling toddlers?
Our other little daughter is at the princess stage right now... sleeps like a dream and she is totally predictable- Her day goes like this: 6-7a.m bottle, up for about 1-2 hours...naps til around 11-12noon, bottle #2, then big nap til about 4p.m. and then bottle #3 and up for a good 2-3 hours, then about a 45 min cat nap around 6p.m. and back up at 7 for bath and a little play time and then bottle at about 7:45p.m. and asleep by 8:30... I am in awe of her amazing schedule. She has days when she wavers from the above but for the most part it is pretty consistent. I guess we are doing something right!
Now for the finale - We bought Emma a BUMBO seat today and man I love that thing! I wish they had these when Anna was a babe - she would have loved it. I am debating purchasing a swing for Emma. I put her in one at church this morning and she loved it. It was one of those old ones that make that clicking noise... I am not too interesting in forking out the big bucks for one so I am going to hunt on craigslist for one first...
Alright well here is Emma in her Bumbo seat sporting a great little smile!

Don't forget to remind me of the date you are coming into town...what time frame will I be looking at for that day?
I would suggest getting together and talk about your disciplining now. It will only get harder if you don't start early.
We got a bumbo too for Ella. They are really cool, however it won't take long to out grow them. Be careful also because I am sure she will try to push herself out here in a few months.
Okay Parker is now 5 months and he is just now able to sit in that Bumbo chair. It says start them at three months so we did and he kind of sat in it but didn't like it. We got a tray for it so he can put toys on it and his hands. They are $10 at BabiesRUS. No toddler advice due to the count I have no toddler. I guess that would be a question for April or Sara. Good luck with it though and I'm sure I'll be there in a few years wanting the same advice.
I found this book interesting, it's called Creative Correction. We went through it like a bible study at Hwy in Searcy. Alot of it is for older kids but it does have "different" ideas for discipline other the spanking (if that's not effective for you guys). My best advice is to stay consistent, what ever you decide to do ALWAYS stay on top and don't let her ever slip up without some form of reinforcement. Trust me it will pay off in the years to come. Ty isn't an angel so I 'm not an expert but being consistent has really paid off. I don't mean to sound like a downer but the terrible two are rough but so is the threes and then the four...ect. Its just a different form of misbehaving. We're trying to end the whining and arguing...
ANd I'm SO JEALOUS of your BUMBO..emma looks so grown up sitting in it.
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