First Haircut
Who would have thought that silly little things like first hair cuts would be so monumental in my family's life? But it is! We took Anna to get her first official haircut on Friday night - I have botched her bangs a few times so it was time for a professional to smooth things over and they turned out great. I was pretty impressed that the little monkey would sit still - We did take her to a kid friendly place called Kids Hair and I totally recommend it. They gave her a toy to play and with and she got to watch Blues Clues while they did the chopping. They even collected all the hair and put it in an envelope for sentimental ol' me... We snapped up a few photos of the process! I swear people say it all the time but it is true - THEY GROW UP SO FAST! Enjoy!

She looks so big sitting in that chair. How sweet. Amen on them growing up so fast. Ty still has 4.5 months until he turns 3 but he's already talking about turning 3 on his birthday just like Levi (his cousin). It's doesn't seem like he's been around long enough to almost be 3 he's wishing to be older I'm wishing he would stay little forvever.
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